CyberSecurity Research   UCC

Security · Privacy · Cryptography

Cyber Security

The CyberSecurity research group is based in the School of Computer Science & IT, where computer security has been a topic of research and teaching for over thirty years. The group also collaborates with other schools and departments, such as Engineering, as well as the CONNECT and Insight SFI research centres. The security group is also involved in two SFI Centres for Research Training: ADVANCE and AI, and the School is a member of the Cyber Ireland cluster.

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The group currently consists of 3 permanent academics, and a number of PhD students and Post-docs.
Interested in joining us? We are always looking for motivated research students and postdocs. Open positions.


The research of the group is supported by a number of research grants, from funders including the EU H2020 programme, Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), and the Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund.


The group regularly publishes in top-ranked security journals, and members feature regularly in international conferences.