Location Privacy Workshop (LPW) 2023

@ IEEE Euro S&P - TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands - July 7, 2023


29/06/2023 ‒ Accepted papers and the program are now available, including a keynote by Prof. Florian Speelman, University of Amsterdam. Looking forward to seeing you at LPW 2023!
15/03/2023 ‒ The paper submission deadline has been extended to March 27.
26/01/2023 ‒ The Call for Papers for LPW 2023 has been announced.
09/01/2023 ‒ LPW 2023 will be co-located with the IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy!

LPW 2023 ‒ The 5th Location Privacy Workshop

Location and mobility data are highly sensitive, as they can be used to infer a number of other personal and sensitive data on an individual. However, human mobility is highly predictable, and location information is routinely collected by location-aware devices (e.g. smartphones), connected vehicles, smart transportation systems, e-tolling, and cameras with face recognition among others.

Location privacy is a rapidly developing research area, and the fifth Location Privacy Workshop (LPW 2023) provides a platform for original research and discussion on all technical aspects of privacy and security of location-based services.


Accepted papers will appear in a volume accompanying the main IEEE Euro S&P 2023 proceedings, published by the IEEE. They will be available on IEEE Xplore and will be indexed by Scopus, dblp, etc.


Topics of interest

  • Security of location-aware mobile devices
  • Privacy-enhancing technologies for location-based services
  • Privacy and anonymity in (public) transportation systems
  • Privacy and security in connected/autonomous vehicles
  • Security of smart mobility applications
  • Privacy in location-aware social media
  • Privacy in position-based advertising
  • Malicious and pervasive tracking, de-anonymization
  • Cryptographic protocols and schemes for location information
  • Data structures for location information
  • Security and reliability of positioning systems
  • Location verification and authentication
  • Location forensics
  • Data protection techniques for regulatory (GDPR) compliance
  • Privacy in location-based contact tracing
  • …and any other related topic

LPW 2023 is co-located with the 8th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE Euro S&P 2023). The conference will be held in-person in Delft, The Netherlands.

Call for Papers

The Call for Papers is available for download:

Please help us spread the word!


Prospective authors are invited to submit novel contributions, application papers and case studies. Submissions should be 6-8 pages in the double-column IEEE S&P conference format (template below), but longer contributions up to 10 pages will be considered. Short papers and position papers (3-4 pages) are also welcome. Submissions must be anonymous with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious references. Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, presentation and clarity of exposition.

All accepted papers will be published on IEEE Xplore in a volume accompanying the main IEEE EuroS&P 2023 proceedings, and will be indexed in Scopus, dblp, etc.

One of the authors of each accepted paper is expected to present the paper at the conference. We are expecting to hold an in-person workshop and that authors will be able to travel to the conference to present their paper, but we will make allowances for remote presentation in cases where authors of a paper have legitimate reasons for which they are unable to attend in person (full registration will be required in any case). We reserve the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, including withdrawal from the IEEE proceedings, if the paper is not presented (in person or virtually).

Submissions are accepted through EasyChair:

Submitted papers must adhere to the IEEE EuroS&P conference proceeding template. We recommend using LaTeX, and suggest you first compile the supplied LaTeX source as is, checking that you obtain the same PDF as the one supplied. Then, write your paper into the LaTeX template, replacing the boilerplate text. Please do not use other IEEE templates.

Program Chairs

  • Paolo Palmieri ‒
    University College Cork, Ireland
  • Luca Calderoni ‒
    Università di Bologna, Italy

Program Committee

  • Antoine Boutet ‒ INSA de Lyon, France
  • Matthew Bradbury ‒ Lancaster University, United Kingdom
  • Xihui Chen ‒ University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  • Zekeriya Erkin ‒ Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • Sébastien Gambs ‒ Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
  • Gabriel Ghinita ‒ University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
  • Prosanta Gope - University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
  • Kévin Huguenin - Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Ioannis Krontiris ‒ Huawei European Research Center, Germany
  • Raúl Pardo - IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Constantinos Patsakis ‒ University of Piraeus, Greece
  • Francesco Regazzoni ‒ University of Lugano, Switzerland & University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Julián Salas ‒ Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
  • George Theodorakopoulos ‒ Cardiff University, United Kingdom
  • Rolando Trujillo Rasúa ‒ Rovira i Virgili University, Spain
  • Isabel Wagner ‒ University of Basel, Switzerland

Important dates

All deadlines are at 23:59 Anywhere On Earth (AOE).

  • Submission deadline: March 27, 2023 March 15, 2023 (extended)
  • Authors notification: May 5, 2023 April 28, 2023 (extended)
  • Camera-Ready Papers Due: May 15, 2023
  • Workshop day: July 7, 2023


July 7, 9:00 - 12:00    -    TU Delft ECHO, Meeting room B
9:00WelcomePaolo Palmieri
09:15Paper 1Hendrik Meyer Zum Felde, Jean-Luc Reding and Michael Lux"D-GATE: Decentralized Geolocation and Time Enforcement for Usage Control"
09:40Paper 2Javier Rodríguez-Viñas, Ines Ortega-Fernandez and Eva Sotos Martínez"Hexanonymity: a scalable geo-positioned data clustering algorithm for anonymisation purposes"
10:05Paper 3Toon Dehaene, Michiel Willocx, Bert Lagaisse and Vincent Naessens"Masking Location Streams in the Presence of Colluding Service Providers"
10:30Coffee break
11:00KeynoteFlorian Speelman"Can quantum information help with verifying location? Recent steps towards practical quantum position verification"

Please refer to the full IEEE EuroS&P program for details on the main conference.


Can quantum information help with verifying location? Recent steps towards practical quantum position verification

Prof. Florian Speelman, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Geographical location is strongly correlated to trust and identity: For example, when visiting a bank, you might trust the teller just by virtue of her position behind the counter, and knowing that a message originates from a secure location would add an extra layer of authenticity. We would like to be able to use position as a cryptographic credential, being able to encrypt messages that can only be read at a certain location, or signing messages so that we are sure that they are sent from a specific spot. The most basic task of this type is position verification, authenticating the presence of an untrusted party at a location, which can be used as a building block for these more complicated cryptographic functionalities. This task is impossible classically (without adding extra assumptions to the setting), but quantum position verification (QPV) might still be possible.
In this talk, I will introduce the topic of quantum position verification, and will give an overview of the most basic QPV schemes (and how to attack them). We will see that it's possible to have a scheme where the honest party only needs to manipulate a small quantum state, while the quantum information required by the adversary grows infeasibly large. Additionally, I will discuss obstacles to implementing these schemes in practice (coming from, e.g., photon loss in optical fibers) and recent work aimed at circumventing these obstacles.

Florian Speelman is an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam and QuSoft, the research institute for quantum software. He performed his Ph.D. research at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in Amsterdam under the supervision of Harry Buhrman, and was a postdoctoral researcher at QMATH in Copenhagen and CWI Amsterdam. He researches quantum cryptography, protocols on quantum networks, and near-term applications of quantum computers.


LWP is co-located with EuroS&P 2023, and will be held in Delft, The Netherlands, at TU Delft . Please refer to the main conference website for more information.